Making A Simple Rolling Planer Stand Homemade Machines & Jigs

My new miter saw station has two open bays on the ends that were made to house tools on roll out carts. This is the first of the two, a rolling stand for my thickness planer:

A couple of additional details that weren’t shown in the video are the infeed / outfeed table that is removable when not needed:

building a rolling planer stand
building a rolling planer stand

I’ll use this for shorter pieces, mainly. The melamine surface is also much slicker than the metal, so the wood slides more easily over it. It does eat up some capacity and throws the depth of cut scale off, but those are not issues – it has way more capacity than I’ll ever need and I never use the depth scale other than to roughly position the machine for a cut.

building a rolling planer stand

The dust port adapter was a bit too long, and at first I was going to make one from wood to replace it, but decided to cut the one that came with the saw instead. It now just clears the magnetic catch as it goes into the cabinet:

building a rolling planer stand
building a rolling planer stand

I made a very short video showing how I cut the adapter on the table saw. Warning! I’m comfortable making a cut like this, but it can be dangerous:

For now, the chips will be collected in a garbage bucket with this lid that has an inlet and filter (that box on top):

building a rolling planer stand

Eventually, I want to cut a vent hole through the outside wall and eject the chips into a bin out there. That will eliminate the need for filtering inside the shop.

The finished stand also provides a place to store the metal pantorouter when not in use:

building a rolling planer stand

The stand was designed to be easy to make and strong enough for what I will use the planer for. If I were routinely planing large, heavy pieces of lumber, then I would add some internal braces to the box to make it stronger, but would also lose that storage space. As it is, I only use this machine for relatively small boards, so it more than strong enough for that.